Taking into account the necessity of increasing the work-out sessions’ performance results, improvement of the sportsmen performance at the international competitions as well as due to the importance and necessity of introducing the novel technology into the high performance sport, which will help the sportsmen to reach better results,
A software and hardware complex (“IPER®”) which helps to diagnose and release the sportsmen internal hidden recourses (patents in the Russian Federation No.2373965 and №107482) which allows not only to diagnose the sportsmen hidden resources (please see the example of the sportsmen Resource Map in the Attachment No. 2 hereto), but also to promptly reveal and release such internal hidden resources which leads to improvement of the necessary parameters up 25% without additional workouts or stimulant (please see the respective report in Attachment 1 thereto).
In addition, we are pleased to offer a training of your specialist(s) on how to deal with “IPER®” device and work with this device during carrying out the correction sessions.
The suggested hardware and software complex “IPER®” (please see more detailed description in Attachment No. 1 hereto) was tested on Russian national picked teams (12 picked teams and more than 300 sportsmen). The methodic of the correction and diagnostics was covered in the thesis work (dissertation) which is now being defended in the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (RSUPESY&T), the department of Theory and Methodic in the Practical Sports and Extreme Activities (the reviewed in Attachment 3 thereto).
The proposed technology is an exclusive once since it has not been intro-duced, integrated as well as implemented in scientific and sports organizations both in Russia and abroad. Now we are pleased to propose the said technology to the sportsmen.
Video reports from scientific conferences (in Russian):
1. The research report in the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture:
"The method of control problem areas athlete" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM5uqIZumAc
2. The research report in the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture:
"The method of control problem areas athlete" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWvcKgyxmhM
3. Scientific report by the Ministry of Sports of Russia:
"Development of creative potential coach" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3THnBlh_TA
Reviews, recommendations, documents (Russian) >>>
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
With kind regards,
Alexander Balykin
General Director
To communicate in English please contact my assistant Mrs. Nadezhda Ilushina at telephone number: 007-903-111-73-31
The major part of the modern and recently applied psychological technologies are directed at the sportsman’s consciousness. However, according to various psychologists’ investigations, an individual’s unconscious processes constitute up to 97% of the human’s psychic processes and behavior. Thus, the sportsman’s huge potential remains undiscovered and unreleased.
The suggested method (techniques) and device (facility) allows to discover and reveal the sportsman’s negative affirmations, convictions as well as repressed emotions, convert them into positive ones and to increase the ability to show much better results in sports activities.
• On-line monitoring of the sportsman’s reactions in the unconscious area on various sports activities stimulus;
• To record into a separate file all information and results from the laptop’s monitor and carry-out the audio re-cording of the individual sportsman’s consultation with a possibility of further playback;
• To carry-out a remote diagnostics and the sportsman’s individual correction session(s) via the Internet using an additional respective device (module);
• Possibility to carry-out the diagnostics of two individuals simultaneously (e.g. sportsman-sportsman, sports-man-coacher, etc.) and to check whether these two people are consistent in their actions (concurrent actions test);
• To carry out the simultaneous correction of the individ-ual’s two cerebral hemispheres which will allow to simultaneously correct the emotional-imaginative and verbal reasoning spheres of a sportsman.
The software and hardware complex in question as well as the developed methods of working therewith allow not only to diagnose the sportsman’s hidden resources but in addition to that allows to discover and release them in a very short time which leads to improvement of the neces-sary parameters up 50% without additional workouts or stimulant.
The coacher, health professional or sports psychologist obtain a possibility to get the information about the sportsman’s psychological state as well as about the sportsman readiness for the required sports activities immediately and at any time. Additionally, the device will help to promptly and timely remove the sportsman’s psychological obstacles in reaching the set aims.
In order to demonstrate the efficiency of the psychological correction aiming at discovering and revealing the additional sportsman’s hidden psychophysiological resources, we carried out an experiment related to an increase of the sportsman’s physiological parameters. In this experiment the sportsman underwent an initial diagnostics using the Rhythmograph device (please see Pic. 1 below). After that the sportsman had a psychological correction aimed at improvement of his psychoemotional state (patent RU №2373965) using the device APK “IPER®-1K” (patent in the RU №107482).
Below you will find a table which outlines the sportsman’s results before the correction (marked with blue) and after the correction (marked with red).
The above table shows that after 30 minutes of the psychological correction using the device APK “IPER®-1K” the sportsman’s physiological parameters improved minimum by 17% and some parameters were improved by 51%
Athlete: ________ Roman (world Boxing champion)____________
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION:__You can improve the movement of the legs, the mobility of the pelvis, increase stamina and improve clarity of thought and reaction speed. An athlete is likely to displace or to the secrecy painful sensations in the body______________________
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION:___Most duplication of efforts in the fight boxer will make with the following rivals: A.Lukyanenko, B.Krivko, I.Andryushin, F.Bylankin, G.Tsybulko, A.Morozov. A lot of inadequacy in the conscious assessment of the relationship ___________
RESOURCE:______Strength, Stamina, Speed, Technique, Success, Victory _____
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION:__All that is posted in a grey area - can be improved from 30 to 50%. __ Overstates their true capabilities ______________________________________________
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION:___ The referee, the seconds, the blue corner, himself the ring and the opponent are annoying factors that lower the effectiveness of an athlete during a fight. __
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION: __ Reduced control (protection) areas of the heart and liver _
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION: ____ You can improve virtually all strikes (close to the gray circle) that will lead to the overall improvement to the shock technique of up to 30%.______Tends to overprice their true_potential._____
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION:_You can improve performance in the attack and counterattack by 10-20 %_____Tends to overprice their true potential.___________________________
PRACTICAL IMPLICATION:_It is necessary to make the athlete with the fights of rivals and provide training to carry out analysis of strengths and weaknesses, and what action you need to take under the strengths and weaknesses of opponents.______________________________
Goal - financial well-being. Knows how to reach your goal. Motivation is estimated as good.
1. Psycho-emotional exhaustion associated with залипшим attention to defeat.
2. Revaluation of values and goals, with a predominance of negative unconscious installations.
3. The tendency to suppress their inner feelings, which leads to psychological discomfort, embarrassment and emotional distress.
4. A large number of psychosomatics, blocking mobility and energy.
5. Unconscious blocking some of the exercises in the training-of-competition cycle.
1. Correction of psycho-emotional sphere of a sportsman.
2. Psycho-somatic massage (to the disappearance of psychosomatics).
3. Training «Management of emotions».
4. Individual adjustment to eliminate negative attitudes with training-competitive cycle.
Offered on the basis of detection of the latent resource recommendations allow:
1. Increase endurance, speed, power, performance, without additional physical training - US-ING ONLY the PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTION.
2. Raise the effectiveness of the training, through the ELIMINATION of PSYCHOLOGI-CAL BARRIERS.
3. Strengthen team spirit and a sense of group unity - as this is based on only the PSYCHO-LOGICAL MOOD of the IDENTITY of the athlete
Specialists: _ Alexander Balykin and Tamara Balykina-Milushkina
Video Berichte von wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen (auf Russisch):
1. Bericht des Allrussischen Forschungsinstitut für Körperkultur: "Die Methode der Kontrolle Problembe-reiche Athlet" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM5uqIZumAc
2. Der Bericht der Akademie des Innenministeriums Russlands: "Der Einfluss von unbewussten Stressfaktoren auf die Wirksamkeit des Athleten" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWvcKgyxmhM
3. Wissenschaftlichen Bericht des Ministeriums für Sport der Russischen Föderation "Entwicklung des kreativen Potenzials Trainer" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3THnBlh_TA
For successful familiarization of «IPER®-1К» and use for maximum results, we offer a special course:
Introductory course for working with «IPER®-1К»
The goal of training course: learning the basic skills of working with «IPER®-1К» and «The method for psycho-emotional state of a person harmonization», training of those skills for practical use.
Traning form: intensive introduction to theory and practical training for use of «IPER®-1К» and «The method for psycho-emotional state of a person harmonization».
- Creative people, interested in self-development and learning the method to help others to self-develop;
- Heads of organizations, HR manages, recruiting agency personnel;
- Businessmen, entrepreneurs;
- Coaches, psychologists, psychotherapists;
- Medical workers;
- Teachers, educators;
The result: a person, who can:
- Operate the «IPER®-1К»,
- With help of «IPER®-1К» to determine/find true causes of personal problems and disabilities, and help correct those sub-conscious reactions.
Training duration: 7 days x 7 hours (49 hours).
Distant learning training course is available.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
Alexander Balykin, educator, psychologist
Tamara Balykin-Milushkina, practicing psychologist
The Academy of Development of Human Abilities «Harmony»
Russia, 127051, Moscow,
Phone: +7(916)801-17-18; +7(916)801-17-32; e-mail:
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To communicate in English please contact my assistant Mrs. Nadezhda Ilushina
at telephone number: +7-903-111-73-31
«The method for harmonization of psycho-emotional state of a human» is patented (Patent of RF №2373965)
Device for evaluating psycho-emotional state of person «IPER®» is patented (Patent of RF №107482)
Trademark is patented (certificate №386937)
All rights reserved by a group of authors/developers. Unauthorized copying distributing, amending, editing of this material is prohibited.